Top 10 Wedding Unity Ceremony Ideas for 2022
Choose a unique unity ceremony that matches your relationship and is reflective of your personalities.
Weddings are all about the union between two people. The creation of an unbreakable bond that will endure forever. While the ceremony vows say a lot, a unity ceremony can be an important ritual that not only creates cherished memories, but depending on your choice of unity ceremony, can create a physical reminder of your union. Each couple is unique and that means there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to a unity ceremony. Take a look at the following 10 unity ceremony ideas and feel free to incorporate them in your unique way.

Two unique bread recipes, one from the groom’s family and one from the bride’s family, woven together and baked creating a special unity ceremony.

Planting a tree or bush together symbolizes how your love for each other will grow tall and strong, able to withstand harsh winds, rain and storms and come through unscathed.

Did you know planting a tree on your wedding day symbolizes strength, life and vitality? It sure does! Plus, as you watch it grow, you are reminded of the beginning of your marriage.

Combining each of your favorite wines into a decanter and then drinking together can symbolize two individual lives, combined like the two wines into one single life.

Dating back to 7000 B.C. handfasting is an ancient Celtic ritual in which the hands are tied together to symbolize the binding of two lives.

The handfasting ceremony demonstrates the couples intent to bind their lives together forever…..Two lives become one.

Painting a work of art that can be displayed in the home for years to come is an excellent option for a unity ceremony.

Monogramed jars with the couple’s initials and filled with colored sand create the perfect setting for the unity ceremony.

For a blended family, why not have each member of the family pour in a different color of sand creating a beautiful new tapestry of color.

Candles continue to be a popular unity ceremony option in which the light from each taper candle meets over the pillar candle to light it.

Looking to include everyone in your unity ceremony? Consider small candles where everyone passes the flame candle to candle.

A prayer or blessing for the couple and their new life together creates a special unity ceremony involving both parents and the immediate family.

Similar to sand, glass beads are another option for a unity ceremony that demonstrates two individuals coming together to become one.